Hi, I'm Mark and I create music and field recordings. I also make resources to help other musicians like my PIVOT cards. And I write a studio journal WHIRRINGS on Substack and make videos on YouTube.
I work with guitar and violin, a small modular Eurorack setup, hardware synths and effects pedals, found sounds and objects, field recordings and software to create many kinds of music — ambient, electronic, experimental and field recordings.
My creative journey has been varied — from orchestral violin throughout my youth in Birmingham to installation and field recording while studying for a BA in Sculpture at Sheffield Hallam University. I have produced tape works for a BMW car launch, co-founded an experimental sound magazine — Noisegate, organised music events, completed a residency at Sheffield University Sound Studios, and had releases on the Töshöklabs and Discus labels.
After an extended hiatus from releasing music, I re-established my practice during the pandemic and began self-releasing music and collections of field recordings.
My latest ambient album Homegrown Apples was released on the Whitelabrecs label.
I'm looking for more label linkups, residencies and soundtrack opportunities. Feel free to drop me a line...
Bandcamp | Substack | Instagram | YouTube | SoundCloud